Pooh Shiesty Faced With More Restrictions After Serving His 63 Month Sentence

Joe AppleNights

May 1st, 2022

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Details surface on the restrictions Pooh Shiesty will face upon completion of his 63-month sentence for his 2020 shooting in Miami.

2021 Shiesty Season Spring Fest

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

Last month Pooh Shiesty was sentenced for his role in a 2020 shooting that took place in South Miami. For the circumstances, Pooh’s sentencing of 63 months was a steal. The shooting was caught on camera clear as day which usually would have ended with twice the amount of time behind bars at minimum.

Pooh’s 5-year sentence comes right in the middle of his rise to the top of the rap game and puts his career on pause. While he released a new album last week it’s hard to promote it from behind bars after almost a year out of the spotlight. According to TMZ, new release restrictions have been discovered that will make his post-jail life even more of an obstacle. Upon release, he is on supervised release for three years. During those three years, he cannot associate with any of his co-defendants or gang members and his parole officer has the authority to search Pooh and his property randomly. Along with those restrictions he has to complete a treatment program for drugs and alcohol. From a social media standpoint, Pooh seems in good spirits and ready to serve his time and get back to his career.

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Author: bignoah256

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