Hate International: White South African Pastor Convicted Of Plot To Murder Thousands Of Black People And Overthrow Government

Joe AppleNights

June 8th, 2022

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Source: Krit of Studio OMG / Getty

We’ve seen and heard white folks do some diabolical s**t over the past few years but this one might just jump straight to the top of the list. According to an ABC News report a pastor in South Africa has been plotting on killing thousands of Black people, overthrowing the government, and “taking the country back” for white folks.

South African Pastor Convicted Of Conspiracy To Kill Black People

61-year-old Harry Johannes Knoesen is, well, was the leader of the National Christian Resistance Movement. We use the past tense because Monday he was convicted of high treason, incitement to carry out violent attacks, and recruiting people to commit attacks. Knoesen and his group of genocidal cronies plotted to use a chemical agent to poison the water supply in Black communities, additionally, they had a stockpile of illegal weapons. Knoesen’s conviction comes after members of his group were arrested for this plot back in 2019. Subsequently, many of them turned state’s evidence in cooperation with South African police.

The state alleged that Knoesen’s plot was motivated by his “highly racial views” and that he sought to justify his beliefs on religious grounds, claiming that he was ordained to “reclaim South Africa for white people.”

“To further this end, he planned to attack government institutions and more specifically police and military institutions,” Monica Nyuswa, a spokeswoman for the National Prosecuting Authority, told The Associated Press.

Prosecutors say that Knoeson used Facebook to radicalize and recruit while also giving detailed explanations on how to assemble explosives and other weapons to be used against Black people and the government.

Imagine if something like that happened here and Black people had no other choice but to depend on the police to protect us…

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Author: hiphopobama

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