Teacher Who Threatened To Deport Black Kids ‘Back To Africa’ Gets 3-Day Suspension

Joe AppleNights

December 19th, 2016

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White Teacher Suspended For 3 Days After Threatening To Deport Black Kids

A white Florida teacher has been put on 3-day administrative leave after telling black students they would be deported to Africa following Trump’s election reports Tampa Bay News.

John Sousa, the ain’t isht educator, was given a second chance after black students reported the incident.

Some students said he directed his comments at African-American teens, and said they would be sent “back to Africa.” The incident, a day after the Nov. 8 election, tied into similar acts of intolerance in schools around the country in the aftermath of a nasty presidential campaign.

Superintendent Kurt Browning told the School Board on Tuesday that he found the scenario “incredibly inappropriate,” but not a firing offense.

“You’ve heard me say I’m a supporter of second chances,” Browning said. That behavior is not condoned by this district. But there is a place for him.”

School officials say Sousa will be transferred to Mitchell High School as a teacher of students with autism. So, he can make fun of kids with disabilities? Must be nice.

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