Anti-Vax Nurse Allegedly Injected 8,000 Patients With Saline Instead of COVID-19 Vaccine

Joe AppleNights

August 12th, 2021

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An anti-vax nurse allegedly injected 8,000 patients with a placebo instead of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Covid-19 Home Vaccination Campaign In The Villages Of Italy's Po Valley

Source: Emanuele Cremaschi / Getty

Now that everyone is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, you’d think that would be good news for everyone. With the deadly coronavirus sending everyone’s life into a frenzy, this is our best shot at getting 100% back to normal.

Right when we started to get there, the Delta variant came along and started impacting the youth and filling hospital beds right back up. At this rate, if hospitals reach capacity, we will have to shut down once again.

Beyond the variant spreading, the biggest hurdle has been the anti-vax movement, complete with celebrities who are using their influence to spread vaccine misinformation. We thought that was as bad as it gets, however, according to Fox News, a nurse who is anti-vax has taken matters into her own hands.

Based on witness testimony, police investigator Peter Beer said there was “a reasonable suspicion” that the rogue medical professional had administered shots of saline solution to up to 8,600 patients who were slated to receive the COVID jab, Reuters reported.

“I am totally shocked by this episode,” Sven Ambrosy, a local councilor, said of the alarming switcheroo, which reportedly occurred in March and April in Friesland in northern Germany.

It’s unknown why the shot-blocker — reportedly a Red Cross nurse — had injected people with blanks; however, she had reportedly broadcast anti-vax views on social media, investigators reported.

It’s one thing to not want the vaccine and make that “private choice,” but to stop those who want it from getting it is cruel. Some people would even call it biological warfare if that area has to shut down again due to COVID-19 and over 8,000 people could have been vaccinated. The punishment will be severe, but the sad part is some will call her a hero thanks to misinformation.

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Author: bignoah256

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